

class fastecdsa.curve.Curve(name, p, a, b, q, gx, gy, oid=None)

Bases: object

Representation of an elliptic curve.

Defines a group for the arithmetic operations of point addition and scalar multiplication. Currently only curves defined via the equation \(y^2 \equiv x^3 + ax + b \pmod{p}\) are supported.

name (string): The name of the curve
p (long): The value of \(p\) in the curve equation.
a (long): The value of \(a\) in the curve equation.
b (long): The value of \(b\) in the curve equation.
q (long): The order of the base point of the curve.
oid (long): The object identifier of the curve.

The base point of the curve.

For the purposes of ECDSA this point is multiplied by a private key to obtain the corresponding public key. Make a property to avoid cyclic dependency of Point on Curve (a point lies on a curve) and Curve on Point (curves have a base point).

__init__(name, p, a, b, q, gx, gy, oid=None)

Initialize the parameters of an elliptic curve.

WARNING: Do not generate your own parameters unless you know what you are doing or you could generate a curve severely less secure than you think. Even then, consider using a standardized curve for the sake of interoperability.

Currently only curves defined via the equation \(y^2 \equiv x^3 + ax + b \pmod{p}\) are supported.

name (string): The name of the curve
p (long): The value of \(p\) in the curve equation.
a (long): The value of \(a\) in the curve equation.
b (long): The value of \(b\) in the curve equation.
q (long): The order of the base point of the curve.
gx (long): The x coordinate of the base point of the curve.
gy (long): The y coordinate of the base point of the curve.
oid (str): The object identifier of the curve.

Return repr(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Evaluate the elliptic curve polynomial at ‘x’

x (int): The position to evaluate the polynomial at
int: the value of \((x^3 + ax + b) mod{p}\)
classmethod get_curve_by_oid(oid)

Get a curve via it’s object identifier.


Check if a point lies on this curve.

The check is done by evaluating the curve equation \(y^2 \equiv x^3 + ax + b \pmod{p}\) at the given point \((x,y)\) with this curve’s domain parameters \((a, b, p)\). If the congruence holds, then the point lies on this curve.

P (long, long): A tuple representing the point \(P\) as an \((x, y)\) coordinate pair.
bool: True if the point lies on this curve, otherwise False.


exception fastecdsa.ecdsa.EcdsaError(msg)

Bases: Exception

fastecdsa.ecdsa.sign(msg, d, curve=P256, hashfunc=<built-in function openssl_sha256>, prehashed=False)

Sign a message using the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm.

The elliptic curve signature algorithm is described in full in FIPS 186-4 Section 6. Please refer to for more information.

msg (str|bytes|bytearray): A message to be signed.
d (long): The ECDSA private key of the signer.
curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve to be used to sign the message.
hashfunc (_hashlib.HASH): The hash function used to compress the message.
fastecdsa.ecdsa.verify(sig, msg, Q, curve=P256, hashfunc=<built-in function openssl_sha256>)

Verify a message signature using the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm.

The elliptic curve signature algorithm is described in full in FIPS 186-4 Section 6. Please refer to for more information.

sig (long, long): The signature for the message.
msg (str|bytes|bytearray): A message to be signed.
Q (fastecdsa.point.Point): The ECDSA public key of the signer.
curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve to be used to sign the message.
hashfunc (_hashlib.HASH): The hash function used to compress the message.
bool: True if the signature is valid, False otherwise.
fastecdsa.ecdsa.EcdsaError: If the signature or public key are invalid. Invalid signature
in this case means that it has values less than 1 or greater than the curve order.


class fastecdsa.encoding.KeyEncoder

Bases: object

Base class that any encoding class for EC keys should derive from.

All overriding methods should be static.

class fastecdsa.encoding.SigEncoder

Bases: object

Base class that any encoding class for EC signatures should derive from.

All overriding methods should be static.


class fastecdsa.encoding.der.DEREncoder

Bases: fastecdsa.encoding.SigEncoder

static decode_signature(sig)

Decode an EC signature from serialized DER format as described in (section 7.2.2) and as detailed by bip-0066

Returns (r,s)

static encode_signature(r, s)
Encode an EC signature in serialized DER format as described in (section 7.2.2) and as detailed by bip-0066
r, s
bytes: The DER encoded signature
exception fastecdsa.encoding.der.InvalidDerSignature

Bases: Exception


class fastecdsa.encoding.pem.PEMEncoder

Bases: fastecdsa.encoding.KeyEncoder

static decode_private_key(pemdata)

Decode an EC key as described in RFC 5915 and RFC 5480.

pemdata (bytes): A sequence of bytes representing an encoded EC key.
(long, fastecdsa.point.Point): A private key, public key tuple. If the encoded key was a public key the first entry in the tuple is None.
static decode_public_key(pemdata, curve=None)

Delegate to private key decoding but return only the public key

static encode_private_key(d, Q=None, curve=None)

Encode an EC keypair as described in RFC 5915.

d (long): An ECDSA private key.
Q (fastecdsa.point.Point): The ECDSA public key.
curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve that the private key is for.
str: The ASCII armored encoded EC keypair.
static encode_public_key(Q)

Encode an EC public key as described in RFC 5480.

str: The ASCII armored encoded EC public key.


exception fastecdsa.encoding.sec1.InvalidSEC1PublicKey

Bases: Exception

class fastecdsa.encoding.sec1.SEC1Encoder

Bases: fastecdsa.encoding.KeyEncoder

static decode_public_key(key, curve)
Decode a public key as described in

in sections 2.3.3/2.3.4

compressed: 04 + x_bytes + y_bytes uncompressed: 02 or 03 + x_bytes
curve (Curve): Curve to use when decoding the public key key (bytes): public key encoded using the SEC1 format
Point: The decoded public key
static encode_public_key(point, compressed=True)
Encode a public key as described in
in sections 2.3.3/2.3.4
compressed: 04 + x_bytes + y_bytes uncompressed: 02 or 03 + x_bytes
compressed (bool): Set to False if you want an uncompressed format
bytes: The SEC1 encoded public key


fastecdsa.keys.export_key(key, curve=None, filepath=None, encoder=<class 'fastecdsa.encoding.pem.PEMEncoder'>)

Export a public or private EC key in PEM format.

key (fastecdsa.point.Point | long): A public or private EC key
curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve corresponding to the key (required if the key is a private key)
filepath (str): Where to save the exported key. If None the key is simply printed.
encoder (fastecdsa.encoding.KeyEncoder): The class used to encode the key

Generate a keypair that consists of a private key and a public key.

The private key \(d\) is an integer generated via a cryptographically secure random number generator that lies in the range \([1,n)\), where \(n\) is the curve order. The public key \(Q\) is a point on the curve calculated as \(Q = dG\), where \(G\) is the curve’s base point.

curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve over which the keypair will be calulated.
long, fastecdsa.point.Point: Returns a tuple with the private key first and public key second.
fastecdsa.keys.gen_private_key(curve, randfunc=<built-in function urandom>)

Generate a private key to sign data with.

The private key \(d\) is an integer generated via a cryptographically secure random number generator that lies in the range \([1,n)\), where \(n\) is the curve order. The default random number generator used is /dev/urandom.

curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve over which the key will be calulated.
randfunc (function): A function taking one argument ‘n’ and returning a bytestring of n random bytes suitable for cryptographic use. The default is “os.urandom”
long: Returns a positive integer smaller than the curve order.
fastecdsa.keys.get_public_key(d, curve)

Generate a public key from a private key.

The public key \(Q\) is a point on the curve calculated as \(Q = dG\), where \(d\) is the private key and \(G\) is the curve’s base point.

d (long): An integer representing the private key.
curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve over which the key will be calulated.
fastecdsa.point.Point: The public key, a point on the given curve.
fastecdsa.keys.get_public_keys_from_sig(sig, msg, curve=P256, hashfunc=<built-in function openssl_sha256>)

Recover the public keys that can verify a signature / message pair.

sig (long, long): A ECDSA signature.
msg (str|bytes|bytearray): The message corresponding to the signature.
curve (fastecdsa.curve.Curve): The curve used to sign the message.
hashfunc (_hashlib.HASH): The hash function used to compress the message.
(fastecdsa.point.Point, fastecdsa.point.Point): The public keys that can verify the
signature for the message.
fastecdsa.keys.import_key(filepath, curve=None, public=False, decoder=<class 'fastecdsa.encoding.pem.PEMEncoder'>)

Import a public or private EC key in PEM format.

filepath (str): The location of the key file
public (bool): Indicates if the key file is a public key
decoder (fastecdsa.encoding.KeyEncoder): The class used to parse the key
(long, fastecdsa.point.Point): A (private key, public key) tuple. If a public key was imported then the first value will be None.


exception fastecdsa.point.CurveMismatchError(curve1, curve2)

Bases: Exception

__init__(curve1, curve2)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class fastecdsa.point.Point(x, y, curve=P256)

Bases: object

Representation of a point on an elliptic curve.

x (long): The x coordinate of the point.
y (long): The y coordinate of the point.
curve (Curve): The curve that the point lies on.

Add two points on the same elliptic curve.

self (Point): a point \(P\) on the curve
other (Point): a point \(Q\) on the curve
Point: A point \(R\) such that \(R = P + Q\)

Return self==value.

__init__(x, y, curve=P256)

Initialize a point on an elliptic curve.

The x and y parameters must satisfy the equation \(y^2 \equiv x^3 + ax + b \pmod{p}\), where a, b, and p are attributes of the curve parameter.

x (long): The x coordinate of the point.
y (long): The y coordinate of the point.
curve (Curve): The curve that the point lies on.

Multiply a Point on an elliptic curve by an integer.

self (Point): a point \(P\) on the curve
other (long): an integer \(d \in \mathbb{Z_q}\) where \(q\) is the order of the curve that \(P\) is on
Point: A point \(R\) such that \(R = P * d\)

Return the negation of a Point i.e. the points reflection over the x-axis.

self (Point): a point \(P\) on the curve
Point: A point \(R = (P_x, -P_y)\)

Add two points on the same elliptic curve.

self (Point): a point \(P\) on the curve
other (Point): a point \(Q\) on the curve
Point: A point \(R\) such that \(R = P + Q\)

Return repr(self).


Multiply a Point on an elliptic curve by an integer.

self (Point): a point \(P\) on the curve
other (long): an integer \(d \in \mathbb{Z_q}\) where \(q\) is the order of the curve that \(P\) is on
Point: A point \(R\) such that \(R = d * P\)

Return str(self).


Subtract two points on the same elliptic curve.

self (Point): a point \(P\) on the curve
other (Point): a point \(Q\) on the curve
Point: A point \(R\) such that \(R = P - Q\)

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


class fastecdsa.util.RFC6979(msg, x, q, hashfunc)

Bases: object

Generate a nonce per RFC6979.

In order to avoid reusing a nonce with the same key when signing two different messages (which leaks the private key) RFC6979 provides a deterministic method for generating nonces. This is based on using a pseudo-random function (HMAC) to derive a nonce from the message and private key. More info here:

msg (string): A message being signed.
x (long): An ECDSA private key.
q (long): The order of the generator point of the curve being used to sign the message.
hashfunc (_hashlib.HASH): The hash function used to compress the message.

fastecdsa.util.mod_sqrt(a, p)

Compute the square root of \(a \pmod{p}\)

In other words, find a value \(x\) such that \(x^2 \equiv a \pmod{p}\).

a (long): The value whose root to take.
p (long): The prime whose field to perform the square root in.
(long, long): the two values of \(x\) satisfying \(x^2 \equiv a \pmod{p}\).

Return bytes in a consistent way for a given message.

The message is expected to be either a string, bytes, or an array of bytes.

msg (str|bytes|bytearray): The data to transform.
bytes: The byte encoded data.
ValueError: If the data cannot be encoded as bytes.